Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Growing Older.

I remember 2 weeks ago, I couldn't believe that we only had 2 more weeks left of freshman year.

Today, I can't believe that it's over.

This August, I'll return to high school as a sophomore. A month later, I'll turn 16 and will officially be a licensed driver. They really don't lie when they tell you that life goes by in the blink of an eye. I know you're probably thinking, wow this girl is only 15. I know I'm only 15....but that just makes it seem crazier. 3 years from today, I will be graduating high school. Months after that, I'll be in college. And a few years after that, I'll probably be married, with a real job, and children.

So from this day on, it's my mission to really take in life. To literally stop and smell the flowers, listen to the birds, and remember the twinkle in my grandpa's eyes when I visit him in Illinois and help him garden. Nothing in this life is gauranteed, and things will pass you by if you don't stop to take them in. Every day, I'm growing older, shifting into the person I will be for the rest of my years. I will lose friends and so much else, but those losses will just lead me into the amazing people and places I have yet to find. 

Along the way, I will remember to never lose Kindra.

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